My research seeks to understand and improve societal responses to diversity related to global challenges and their impact on health and wellbeing. Examples include mitigating conflict, addressing social stigma, reducing inequality, and promoting health in the contexts of migration, infectious diseases, political polarization, women's health and climate change. I examine how social processes shape relations among people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds (in settings like healthcare and education) and contribute to social and health inequalities, across the lifespan and in different cultures. My aim is to improve the lives of people stigmatized by society.
1. Diversity and Health
1a. Health Inequalities and Social Stigma. This line of research seeks to understand and address social stigma (e.g. relating to ethnic background, mental health, menstruation, infant-feeding) and health inequalities.
1b. Impact of Societal Threats. This line of research examines the psychological impact of and behavioral responses to migration, infectious diseases (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic), political polarization (e.g. Brexit in the UK, Democrats and Republicans in the US), and climate change in society.
2. Diversity and Conflict
2a. Interventions to Bridge Social Divides. This line of research develops and tests theory-based interventions (such as virtual reality, intergroup contact, mental imagery, mindfulness meditation) to reduce social stigma, racial and gender biases, political polarization, and social conflict.
2b. Diversity in Social Relations. This line of research examines which factors influence relations between majority and minority groups (such as empathy, alexithymia, personality, memory biases) and through this their wellbeing.
My work contributes towards the following global Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: